FASD: Thriving in the Classroom
Presenter: Sr. Suzette Fisher, SND, M.Ed., Ed.S.. DoubleARC Center for FASD, A Renewed Mind
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Average to above average intelligence and verbal skills often mask the disabilities for the majority of individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). They are frequently labeled as bad, lazy, defiant, uncooperative, etc. This webinar will provide information on FASD and practical brain-based strategies to support children with FASD so they can thrive in the classroom.
About the Presenter
Sr. Suzette Fisher has a Masters of Education and Specialist Degrees from Bowling Green State University. In 1992 she co-founded Double ARC, an organization sponsored by the Sisters of Notre Dame, and soon after became immersed in the field of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). She was instrumental in developing Double ARC’s multi-disciplinary FAS diagnostic process. As Project Director, Sr. Suzette led the development and field-testing of FAS curricula for parents and teachers under a service agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She was the driving force, with Hope Taft (then Ohio Governor’s wife) in starting Ohio’s FASD State steering committee.
Sr. Suzette is the representative for NOFAS Ohio and served on the FASD United Board of Trustees and FASD United Affiliate Executive Council. She gives presentations on FASD at local, state, and national conferences for educators, parents, social service providers, and medical and allied professionals. She provides education, intervention, and advocacy services for clients in school, judicial and social service settings. Prior to Double ARC she served in education for over twenty years as teacher and principal in schools in Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana.