Let's Talk Alcohol and Pregnancy!
Presenter: Marilyn Pierce-Bulger, APRN (MN, FNP-BC, CNM) President, Board of Directors, Alaska Center for FASD & Consultant, University of Alaska Anchorage Center for Behavioral Health Research and Services Webinar sponsored by Alaska Center for FASD
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On-Demand Webinar
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This webinar will help providers understand the issues re: women & alcohol use, prenatal alcohol exposure, and FASD prevention via routine alcohol screening & brief intervention strategies. We are deeply concerned that the number of women drinking during pregnancy has continued to increase over the past few years.
About the Presenter
Marilyn Pierce-Bulger is a family nurse practitioner/certified nurse midwife with 40 years’ experience in the field of maternal child health and 25 years’ experience in the field of FASD including work in prevention, diagnosis, and intervention/supports. She founded the Alaska Center for FASD (https://alaskacenterforfasd.org) and has been a consultant for projects with the State of Alaska, University of Alaska (UAA), National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She was acknowledged with the Alaska Public Health Association Long Term Service award in 2022.