A Functional Approach to FASD Diagnosis
Presenters: Elizabeth Cleveland, PhD, CCC-SLP, David Deere, MSW, MTh, LCSW, Tiffany Lepard Tassin, MS, CGC, and Albrey Love, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC
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This webinar will provide an extensive overview of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) diagnostic using the ND-PAE system. Arkansas is one of many states that has very limited resources for FASD diagnosis, training, and intervention. Because of this reason, the Specialty Diagnostic Resource Center (SDRC) was founded by Dr. Cleveland and Mr. Deere. This webinar will explore the innovative approach to a functional FASD diagnosis and the work that the SDRC interdisciplinary team has provided for individuals of all ages with FASD and their families. The SDRC process has provided avenues to care for many Arkansans with FASD and this webinar will share ways to adapt other interdisciplinary teams to do the same.
About the Presenters
Elizabeth Cleveland, Ph.D., CCC-SLP is an assistant professor at the University of Central Arkansas. She is the co-director and co-founder of the Specialty Diagnostic Resource Center (SDRC), which is Arkansas’s only fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)-specific diagnostic clinic. In addition to her involvement with SDRC, Dr. Cleveland is also the Director of Interdisciplinary Training for the Arkansas Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) training program. Her research is in cognition, communication, and executive function in children with FASD.
David Deere, MSW, MTh, LCSW retired in 2020 as the Director of Partners for Inclusive Communities, a center of excellence in disabilities that is a program of the University of Arkansas. For the past fifteen years, his focus has been on awareness, education, and developing services for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. He is a social worker by training and is a founding member of SDRC.
Tiffany Lepard Tassin, MS, CGC is a genetic counselor at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). She is an assistant professor and the assistant program director of the genetic counseling training program at UAMS. She serves as the genetic counselor in an interdisciplinary diagnostic clinic for FASD. Besides professional experience, Tiffany is the mother of two children with FASD.
Albrey Love, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC is a Primary Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Nursing. She is a provider at the Southwest Community Clinic at Arkansas Children's Hospital. She is a provider at the Specialty Diagnostic Resource Center (SDRC) and the Community-Based Liaison and Treatment (CoBALT) project focusing on early identification and diagnosis of autism and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. She also serves as the nursing discipline coordinator for the Arkansas Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Other Related Disabilities (LEND).